To celebrate Golden Week and Mother’s Day, New Yaohan eStore presents the online event from 28th April to 12th  May. On 28th  April, Mother’s Day and Golden Week event will be lived at 3pm! A wide range of product offerings, include cosmetics and skincare products, fashion apparels, electrical appliances, health food and supplements! Selected products are as low as 50% off! On the livestreaming day, enjoy MOP50 discount upon provide on MOP800. Limited gold accessories will be introduced with the attractive offers as low as MOP38. Scan the code to subscribe to the live broadcast on New Yaohan WeChat eStore! The live will start on 28th  April at 3 pm, see you soon!


Both local and cross-border delivery are available, you may enjoy free shipping at any purchases over MOP500 for local delivery to Macau; MOP800 for Hong Kong delivery. The offer is subject to the relevant terms and conditions. New Yaohan reserves the right of final decision on the offer and any dispute.


Online Event Date:28th April-12th May

Livestreaming Date: 28th April at 3pm

Livestreaming Location: New Yaohan

E-store website:


Contact number:+853 8791 8888 / +853 8791 8765 (New Yaohan estore hotline)